Leadership Award Form

The recipient of this award exhibits outstanding leadership skills and dedication to the Interstate Commission for Juveniles through extraordinary service. This individual is a Commissioner, Designee, Compact Administrator, Deputy Compact Administrator, or compact coordinator who:

  1. Promotes the mission, vision, and values of the Interstate Commission for Juveniles;
  2. Demonstrates expertise in the successful movement of juveniles;
  3. Actively supports the Interstate Commission for Juveniles by attending meetings, holding offices, or faithfully carrying out designed duties;
  4. Has over two years of devoted service to the administration of the Interstate Commission for Juveniles;
  5. Collaborates and communicates effectively with other Compact professionals;
  6. Uses strategies for ensuring public safety; and
  7. Suggests innovative policies or procedures to improve Interstate Compact operations.


The 2023 Leadership Award nomination period is now closed.