Gladys Olivares Altamirano, Deputy Compact Administrator - Nevada

“Gladys is literally a one-of-a-kind employee who always goes above and beyond when working with ICJ issues. Her knowledge and professionalism are outstanding. A recent ICJ return exemplifies her passion and diligence for ICJ and the youth that are involved in her program. Gladys has clearly developed solid working relationships with many state ICJ offices and her effort were immediately rewarded when working through issues of a runaway youth who also gave birth while in Nevada. This case was complicated and held liabilities in so many program areas in two different states. Gladys handled all of the nuances, discussed liabilities and maneuvered multiple systems to ultimately have this youth and her child returned without them needing to be separated. Gladys completed all of this great work while preparing for a planned extended leave event and training a new employee. She even worked on this case from home while on leave, which was not required, yet was done out of a desire to help forward the mission of ICJ. Gladys is a true professional and Nevada is so blessed to have her working with Nevada ICJ.”

- Tannan Birmingham, Unit Manager for the Nevada Youth Parole Bureau