Rule 4-104: Authority to Accept/Deny Supervision

  1. Only the receiving state's authorized Compact Office staff shall accept or deny supervision of a juvenile by that state after considering a recommendation by the investigating officer.
  2. The receiving state’s authorized Compact Office staff’s signature is required on or with the Form VIII Home Evaluation Report that accepts or denies supervision of a juvenile by that state.
  3. Supervision cannot be denied based solely on the juvenile's age or the offense.
  4. Supervision shall be accepted unless the home evaluation reveals that the proposed residence is unsuitable or that the juvenile is not in substantial compliance with the terms and conditions of supervision required by the sending or receiving state. Supervision shall also be accepted as provided in Rule 4-104(5). When supervision is not recommended, the Form VIII, Home Evaluation Report, shall include a detailed justification to include why the proposed residence is not safe and/or suitable.

  5. Supervision shall be accepted when a juvenile has no legal guardian remaining in the sending state and the juvenile does have a legal guardian residing in the receiving state.
  6. Upon receipt of acceptance of supervision from the receiving state, and prior to the juvenile's departure if the youth is not already residing in the receiving state, the sending state shall provide reporting instructions to the juvenile, and provide a Form V, Notification from Sending State of Parolee or Probationer Proceeding to the Receiving State, to the receiving state.
  7. If the transfer of supervision is denied by the receiving state and the juvenile is already residing in the receiving state, the sending state shall, within five (5) business days, secure alternative living arrangements and submit an updated referral or return the juvenile to the sending state. This time period may be extended up to an additional five (5) business days with approval from both ICJ Offices.

History: Adopted as Rule 5-101 December 3, 2009, effective March 1, 2010; amended September 15, 2010, effective January 1, 2011; amended October 26, 2011, effective March 1, 2012; renumbered as Rule 4-104, effective April 1, 2014; amended August 26, 2015, effective February 1, 2016; amended September 27, 2017, effective March 1, 2018; amended September 11, 2019, effective March 1, 2020; clerically amended May 19, 2021; amended October 7, 2021, effective March 1, 2022; amended September 27, 2023, effective April 1, 2024

Comment: Rule 4-104 was originally titled “Supervision/Services Requirements,” adopted December 2, 2009, effective March 1, 2010; amended September 15, 2010, effective January 1, 2011; amended October 26, 2011, effective March 1, 2012; renumbered as Rule 5-101, effective April 1, 2014