View frequently asked questions about UNITY. 


Can state compact offices access JIDS data when UNITY goes live?

On September 17, 2020 the Executive Committee approved the 01-2020 Access to Historical Data Policy allowing compact offices only limited access to JIDS for a period of 1 year from the UNITY go-live date. View the policy

How do our individual state agents (JPS & JPO) get access to the UNITY training?

When your state completes the online “UNITY:  State Personnel Directory Data Request” and you the ICJO-Coordinator are ready to get your state started, contact Joe Johnson at jjohnson@juvenilecompact.org.   Joe Johnson will provide you an email to send out to your state agents so they can get access to the https://www.ICJ.TalentLMS.com   on-demand learning system.


  1. Email Joe Johnson, ICJ Project Manager
  2. Review your “UNITY:  State Personnel Directory Data Request”  state registrants
  3. Joe Johnson will send you an email template to use to notify your state agents
  4. Once you have emailed you state agents, immediately notify Joe Johnson
  5. Joe Johnson will activate all the agents accounts and they will be emailed  access to https://www.ICJ.TalentLMS.com   along with their Username and Password
  6. You the ICJO-Coordinator will receive an “User Activity Learner Report” each Tuesday morning, updating you on your states learner progress.
Is UNITY browser-agnostic?

Yes; users can access UNITY through Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari. 

What data will be used in the UNITY Training Site?

In order to protect juvenile confidentiality, data will not be migrated from JIDS to the Training Site. Each state will enter data for cases based on scenarios provided.

What information do state IT Departments need to ensure our state can access UNITY?

The National Office will disseminate a letter to UNITY Coordinators in October 2020 detailing specific system requirements and any security-related concerns, such as the UNITY IP address to add to your state's safe list.  

What is the difference between the UNITY Training Site and TalentLMS?

The UNITY Training Site is an interactive virtual environment where learners can test new skills without impacting the live site. It will be available 24/7 beginning at least one month prior to "go live." Talent LMS is a platform to provide guidance and tutorials on how to use the UNITY system. There is no set time limit and advance reservations are not required on either.

What role will I use in the UNITY Training Site?

JPOs, JPSs, and ICJOs will log into the UNITY Training Site using their own specific role.

Where can I find support for UNITY?

When a user is logged in to UNITY, they can access the Online Support Request form link located in the "Help" section which is at the bottom of nearly every screen:

Sample Support Request Form:

If you cannot login to UNITY to access the Online Support Request form link, please contact your state's UNITY Coordinator.